Exercise – some is better than none

There are so many ways to exercise and

even a small amount is beneficial to our health.

“Movement – Both Funcion and Expression of Life”

We all  know that regular physical activity has health benefits, including weight control, strengthening the heart, bones and muscles and reducing the risk of certain diseases. Recently, researchers at University of California San Diego School of Medicine found that just one session of moderate exercise can also act as an anti-inflammatory. The findings have exciting implications for chronic diseases like arthritis, fibromyalgia and for more complex conditions, like obesity.

Even 20 minutes can act as anti-inflammatory

Unfortunately, many people who want to start exercising have issues that stop them exercising or make it uncomfortable or painful to exercise. This could be because of painful joints, stiff back or even lack of confidence in their body’s ability.

Our bodies are designed to move. We love the feel the feeling of movement and all the benefits that exercise brings to our health and the postive impact it has on those around us. We’d love you to be able to feel the same.

So, if you feel that your body is not up to it yet and want to find out if we might be able to help you. Come in for our weekly, free, no obligation Talk. Have a look at this short clip for more info.  

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